Mon July 10th

On a bright morning Coaches were on hand early and after a  busy half hour all 7 pitches were set up and ready for action.

From 9.20 the first of the kids arrived and again a well executed plan all kits were handed out and kids were all decked out in there sapphire  blue in there groups and ready for action

It was on to the pitch and dribbling was the order of the day some Ronaldos Messi and Suarez moves were on Display for all to see

12.30 and a well deserved Lunch Break (exploding Yogurts being the only problem)

1pm and it was back to the pitches and matches where the dribbling skills of the morning were again to the fore

2.30pm Final whistle and back to the Astro where a tired bunch of kids and coaches headed home

Tues July 11th

The morning dawned wet and some serious looks at the radar rader our hardy bunch would not be stopped and it was onto the pitches at 10pm

Passing was the drill on display and again the coaches had some great sessions to keep the kids on there toes

Because of the rain it was an early lunch break at 12noon

We were back on the pitches for 12.30 and again some very entertaining games ensued

Some wet but happy kids were collected at 2.30 all ready for another action packed day on Weds