
Sun May 14th

Carrigaline A 1 Lakewood 11

Lakewood u12A had a comfortable win this morning over Carrigaline u12A. Straight from the off Lakewood hit hard and were one up within 5 minutes when captain Alex Kavanagh got on the end of a rebound with his knee.
A second soon followed from Rory O Flynn. After that Lakewood were in the driving seat and looked well on top. 2 more goals came from Christian and Shad before half time and an own goal from carrigaline gave lakewood a 5-0 lead at half time.
The second half saw Lakewood playing with the wind and play was predominantly in Carrigalines half.A second own goal gave Lakewood the first of the second half.Rory scored from a header, Shad got another, and centre back Luke Harris scored a hat trick. Carrigaline still gave their all and managed to pull one back about 5 mins from time.
Great passing and posession game played by Lakewood today. Charlie Delaney and Dylan Quinn were on fire up the wing and supplied cross after cross to the scorers today. Evan ODriscoll and Alex Mullins (both defenders) also had an amazing game and were very unlucky not to score. A great team effort again from the lads, which keeps us well in contention for promotion.
