Weds dawned sunny and sun screen was being applied a plenty in Costa del Ovens

It was shooting Drills all morning and again the coaches had some great  sessions as the kids showed off their shooting skills

After Lunch it was back to the pitches and some excellent games again ensued with the Asian cup being won by Korea

A lot of tired Bodies departed the all weather all ready to resume again in the morning

Thurs after a dull start again the sun broke through and it was a sea of Sapphire Blue as the the kids went through the stations

In this the coaches stayed at their appointed station as the kids moved from one to the other

The Goalkeeping Tennis Crossbar Challenge and Shooting (where the girls proved too good for the senior boys) all proving popular

Some great games again in the afternoon and the last of the finalists for the penalty shootout on Friday were picked

Watch this space on Friday for a full report on Final Day